My name is Melissa. I am married to Ryan and I'm a mother to 5 wonderful children ranging in ages from 2 to 15. I live in Southern Ontario, Canada. I work full time outside of the house and run a small, part time business from home. My goal for 2012 is to be able to quit my job (or at least go to part time hours!) and work full time on my business. I know it won't be easy.
I create all types of printables. I love creating printables for parties, stationary, items for home schooling and crafts. I currently use other artists clip art due to time constraints. My goal is start offering my own clip art once I am able to dedicate more hours to my business. That way, I will have more freedom to do with them as I please.
I currently offer a small printed catalogue to my local customers, but the one thing they always ask is "do you have a website?". I often felt that I am losing a lot of business by not being online so after crunching some numbers and speaking to my husband, I decided to bring my business to the internet! Of course, it will be slow going and a lot of learning, but I am willing to do it! I need a new challenge! I am not sure If I will be keeping my business name or coming up with something new.
I will add new items on this blog until I get my website up and going (my goal is for April!). Twitter or Facebook is currently not in my plans, I need to get the hang of doing a blog first!
I probablywill not be adding anything until the new year, I have so many printables and I want to fix some up and tweek them a bit. I am on vacation from work until Jan 3 so I have a bit more time to focus on it.
Thats it from me right now! Now I'm off to do some work!